Real Time Monitoring Software

In today's fast-paced business environment, it's crucial to have real-time visibility into your call center operations. Admin and supervisor role in a call center is a very important function. Our software with admin and supervisor module helps you manage the complete call center operations right from configuring agents or campaigns, monitoring them, and optimizing the performance of campaigns and agents.

With call center real time monitoring, whispering, barging and call seizing options, Admin and supervisors ensure that customer service standards are maintained. They are equipped with the tools and insights they need to monitor and manage critical business processes as they happen to make informed decisions, identify and resolve issues promptly, and optimize call center performance in real time.

Get Real Time Insights to Achieve Maximum Efficiency, Deliver Unrivalled Customer Satisfaction and Exceptional Customer Experiences

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What is the Role of Call Center Real Time Monitoring Software?

This software in a call center plays a vital role by providing supervisors with instant insights into call volumes, agent performance, and overall call center metrics through a live dashboard. It enables efficient call queue and resource management, helps identify emerging issues, allows instant interventions to make data-driven decision and ensures adherence to compliance standards.

View all Important Metrics with Call Monitoring Software

  • Dashboards: Customizable dashboards to display key performance indicators in real time. Track essential metrics such as call volume, wait times, service levels, agent availability, and more for a comprehensive view of your operations at a glance. Monitor agent activities and performance in real time. Our call monitoring software helps you to Track agent availability, current calls, average handling time, and other performance metrics, enabling you to ensure optimal agent productivity and provide timely feedback or assistance.
  • Agent View: Get information about individual agents in a customer service or call center environment such as agent availability, average handling time, customer satisfaction scores, first call resolution rate, call abandonment rate, agent occupancy, agent adherence, average queue time, and average wrap-up time. These metrics help supervisors monitor agent performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the overall efficiency of the support center.
  • Trunk View: Provides view of the status and usage of communication trunks or channels. Allows administrators to see the current state of each trunk, monitor utilization levels, track call statistics, and receive notifications for any issues or alarms related to the trunks. Helps administrators manage and optimize their trunk infrastructure by ensuring efficient utilization and enabling quick troubleshooting.
  • Extension View: Get an overview of extensions in a telecommunications system. Enables administrators to view the status of each extension, manage assignments to users or devices, configure call routing settings, set permissions, access call logs and provision new extensions. It simplifies the administration of extensions and helps ensure effective communication within the organization.
  • IVR View: With this the supervisor gets a visual representation of an interactive voice response system. Allows administrators to view and modify the flow, track IVR metrics such as call volume and abandonment rates, analyze caller behaviour, monitor system integrations and self-service options. Helps administrators optimize the IVR system, improve customer experiences, and ensure efficient self-service capabilities.
  • Service View: Displays the status, performance, configuration, and dependencies of each service. Administrators can monitor service status, track performance metrics, configure settings, access service logs, and view documentation. Helps in managing, troubleshooting, and optimizing services for smooth operation and user satisfaction.
  • Batch Activity View: Shows the status of each batch job, progress indicators, details such as start time and duration, errors, access to batch reports, and may include batch scheduling and performance metrics. Helps administrators monitor and manage batch processing tasks effectively, allowing them to identify errors, track progress, and optimize performance.
  • Report Management: Report management involves the reports creation, organizing reports in a structured manner, securely storing them, controlling access, maintaining version history, distributing reports to relevant stakeholders, and ensuring compliance with retention policies. Effective report management enhances collaboration, decision-making, and information flow within the organization.
  • Color Coding for Thresholds: Different colours to visually represent the status of data points that exceed or fall below predefined thresholds, enabling quick identification of critical or abnormal conditions.
  • Graphical View: Get real-time insights with dynamic line charts, bar charts, pie charts and dashboards and visualize data for effective call center quality performance and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Configuration Tools: Enable easy customization and fine-tuning of settings, empowering call center administrators to modify system settings to meet specific requirements and preferences.

Get Real Time Data with Call Center Wallboard

A contact center wallboard is a visual communication tool used to display real-time information related to contact center performance. It can be used to display timely data related to ticketing systems, ERP, Web content etc. Data can be displayed in text, images, video or graphical format.

Our wallboard solutions can help your centre in increasing your customer satisfaction quota, agent retention and increasing revenue. As a contact center manager, it is crucial that your staff work diligently to achieve perfection without being lethargic or unmotivated. As a manager, you can proactively manage customer demands and agents' performance using a wallboard, which gives you a bird's eye view.


Get in touch now to discover how our real-time monitoring solution can positively impact your organization.

Benefits of using Call Quality Monitoring Software

Instant Visibility

Gain real-time visibility into your operations and monitor critical events as they happen. With live dashboards and analytics, you can quickly identify trends, patterns, and issues, enabling you to take immediate action and make informed decisions.

Proactive Issue Resolution

By viewing your operations in real time, you can proactively identify and resolve issues before they escalate. Receive instant alerts and notifications when predefined thresholds are crossed, allowing you to address issues promptly and enabling quality assurance.

Improved Customer Experience

Call monitoring enables you to optimize customer service levels and response times. By staying on top of call queues, wait times, and agent availability, you can ensure that customers are served efficiently, and their needs are met promptly, resulting in happy customers.

Optimal Resource Allocation

With real-time insights into agent performance and call volumes, you can allocate resources effectively. Monitor agent availability, call distribution, and service levels to make decisions on staffing levels, call routing, and workload distribution, to optimize resource allocation and maximize efficiency.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Our real time monitoring software provides you with accurate and up-to-date data to drive your decision-making process. By analyzing real time statistics and comparing them with historical performance, you can identify trends, spot opportunities for improvement, and make strategic decisions.

Enhanced Agent Performance

With instant visibility into key metrics such as average handling time, call volume, and customer satisfaction scores, you can provide timely feedback, coaching, and support to your agents, leading to improved performance and productivity.

Increased Operational Efficiency

With instant availability of KPI’s, you can identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and optimize workflows. This leads to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced overall performance.

Mobile Accessibility and Flexibility

Our call quality monitoring software offers mobile accessibility, allowing you to stay connected and informed about your operations even when you're on the go. Access live dashboards and receive updates on your mobile device, enabling you to manage and monitor your operations from anywhere, at any time.

Collaboration and Communication

Foster collaboration and communication among team members with our calling software's built-in communication features. Instant messaging, team chat, and collaboration tools enable real-time communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, promoting teamwork and efficiency.

Leverage our real time monitoring software application module to gain instant visibility of your call centre. Transform your operations, improve agent productivity, make data-driven decisions, achieve operational excellence, enhance customer satisfaction to drive business success by staying ahead of the curve.

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    See Frequently Asked Questions

    What is real-time monitoring software?

    It is a tool used to track and analyze the performance of agents and monitor the ongoing activities within a call center in real-time. It provides supervisors and managers with a comprehensive view of key metrics, such as call volume, agent availability, average handle time, service level, and customer satisfaction, among others.

    Call monitoring software typically integrates with the telephony systems and other relevant data sources. It collects and processes real-time data on call volume, agent performance, queue status, and other metrics, which can then be displayed on computer screens or customizable dashboards for supervisors and managers to monitor. The software uses algorithms and analytics to provide insights and alerts based on predefined thresholds or rules.

    Yes, it can be integrated with other systems used in call centre environments. This includes telephony systems, CRM platforms and other related applications. Integration enables the software to gather data from multiple sources for providing a comprehensive view of contact centre operations in real-time.

    It allows you to identify gaps in agents' knowledge or skill, and to address them immediately. Thus, agents are more informed and able to provide confident customer service.