Smart Call Center Solution for Taxi Service

To survive in the competitive taxi service industry, companies must provide prompt and excellent customer service. Drivers need to find your customers fast, pick the best route, and drop them at their destinations while ensuring their overall comfort. To achieve these goals, taxi aggregators need robust and efficient call center software to help them with number masking, call recording, IVR, and omnichannel communication. 

ID Cloud, a unified taxi service contact center solution, comes with all these features and much more to ensure you never miss a customer who needs a ride. Book cab requests, pick up customers within minutes, and drop them off at their destinations using optimized routes.

ID Cloud will help you manage your cabs business more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and scale up effortlessly.

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Exploring Features of Teckinfo’s Solution for Cab Aggregators

Number Masking

With the out-of-the-box number masking feature, you can safeguard the private information of both drivers and passengers when they are on the phone communicating with one another.

Interactive Voice Response

Using automated interactive voice response, cab aggregators can provide customers with self-service alternatives and direct their calls to the appropriate department with minimal human intervention.

Call Recording

Through the recording of all pertinent calls made by drivers, passengers, and agents, ensure that high service standards and transparency are maintained during the resolution of disputes.

Driver Call Monitoring

Ensure your drivers answer the customer calls properly. Monitor your drivers’ calls during service time to guarantee they are not cancelling customer calls and operating outside the taxi app.

SMS OTP Verification

The confirmation of cab reservations with the additional safety precautions to the transactions, and the authentication of client interactions through the use of SMS OTP verification.

Booking Management

Book and dispatch cabs automatically based on drivers’ availability and their distance from the customers. The nearest vehicle of your taxi service will reach the customers within minutes.

Automatic Call Distribution

Distribute incoming calls and customer queries evenly among the available agents according to their competence areas. Ensuring that no inquiries are ever left unanswered.

Real-time Tracking

Keep an eye on the routes they usually follow to give accurate ETAs to your customers. Help the cab driver avoid heavy traffic areas by GPS integration and reach the customers quickly.

Multi-channel Communication

Make use of a single unified dashboard to respond to and answer customer queries and concerns raised by customers through multiple mediums, such as the telephone, email, chat, and social media.

API Integration

Link our taxi call center solution with your business’s CRM and other third-party apps to build a centralized database. Let agents access the relevant data faster for better customer service.

Agent Performance Tracking

Keep tabs on your agents’ performance with comprehensive metrics such as customer feedback, resolution time, call handling, and other metrics, enabling you to identify areas of improvement.

Boost your taxi service company's efficiency and customer happiness with ID Cloud. Reach out to us today!

Advantages of Implementing a Taxi Call Center Solution

Improved Privacy and Security

Use number masking to protect your customers’ privacy. In the meantime, ensure the safety of your client's information by using SMS OTP verification.

Increased Operational Efficiency

 IVR and ACD features of our taxi call center software allow you to automate processes that are repetitive and reduce the amount of manual work done by agents.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Respond to your customers’ queries faster and solve them with ease using omnichannel contact, API linking, and live tracking to boost customer satisfaction.

Accurate Dispatching

Making use of smart booking and automated dispatch allows for the assignment and dispatch of the closest taxis along the routes that have been optimised.


Our dialer for cab aggregators can scale up without any interruptions as your business expands, enabling you to expand your business when required.

Data-driven Insights

Get valuable inputs from the comprehensive reports available. Use these insights to uncover market trends, make better decisions for performance improvement.

Cost Saving

Allot resources efficiently with interactive voice response, automated call distribution, and live tracking to reduce operating costs and generate profit.

Regulatory Compliance

Utilise the built-in data security features incorporated to ensure your taxi services contact center business stays compliant with all laws and regulations.

Efficient Workforce

Boost the efficiency and productivity of your crew significantly through the utilisation of agent tracking, automated dispatch, and intelligent analytics.

Harness the Power of ID Cloud Taxi Services contact Center

24/7 Customer Service

Make your customers feel valued and cared for round the clock. Our multi-channel support will make sure your customers can contact your agents at any time using their preferred medium.

Proactive Approach

Cab aggregator keep their customers informed in real-time. Send them detailed information on their approximate journey time, driver's license validity, and others to make them relaxed and happy.

Booking Confirmation Alerts

Send customized booking confirmation alerts to your consumers’ phones right after they mark their locations for pickup. Never let your customers feel anxious about their booked rides again.

Punctual and Reliable ETAs

Provide your customers with reliable ETAs with the help of real-time tracking, smart analytics, and GPS integration. This will ensure customers swift transportation to their destinations.

VIP Services

Offer VIP services to the customers who ride your cabs frequently. Use driver tracking and GPS linking to send top-rated drivers and the best cars to VIP customers, improving customer satisfaction.

Automated Callback and Follow-up

With ID Cloud, you can configure automated callback and follow-up alerts for all missed calls or inquiries from customers. This way, taxi services contact center agents won’t miss a single query.

Request A Demo

Contact us today to schedule a demonstration and know how our solution can benefit your organization.

    See Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a taxi call center solution?

    It’s a complete communication solution that will help taxi aggregators book rides, optimize support, automate repetitive customer service tasks, and complete secure transactions.

    Yes. We provide our service to taxi services of all sizes.

    ID Cloud can integrate with existing dispatch systems ensuring seamless flow of data information. 

    Yes, our dialer for taxi aggregators is designed to manage high call volumes efficiently, especially during peak hours. They can prioritize calls, manage queues, and even use bots to handle simple inquiries, ensuring no customer is left waiting.